(set: $day to it + 1)You wake up.(if: $day is 1)[(live: 3s)[ It is day #(print: $day). (How do you know that?)]
(live: 6s)[The roof is cold](live:7s)[--The roof folds underneath you, and you roll as you fall, so you land on your face. Your hands were too slow to prevent your whole front from feeling the impact of your landing on the hard, dusty floor. The pain lingers in your teeth and nose and the palms of your hands.]
(live:12s)[Try to [[get up.]]
[[Lie here for a while.|eaten]]]
(live:24s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|courtesy bright]]]](elseif:$day is 2)[(live: 3s)[ It is day #(print: $day).
The wood floor is hard under your back, and you feel particles falling into your eyes. You get up as quickly as you can to avoid your pupils' being totally coated with the... sawdust?... that's falling from the edges of the gaping hole in the roof above you. You feel the cold night air quickly falling into the house through this opening.
Try to [[find a blanket or coat or something to keep warm]].
[[Examine the hole in the ceiling|ceiling hole]].]
(live:24s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|courtesy bright]]]](elseif:$day is 3)[(live: 3s)[ It is day #(print: $day).]
(live: 6s)[The floor feels hard under your back.]
(live: 9s)[You look at your phone.] (live:10s)[It reads, "<b>10/20/16</b>," in white letters against a completely black screen.]
(live:12s)[[[Stand up.|head slice]]]
(live:12s)[[[Think about the hardness of the black floor.|fall through floor]]]
(live:24s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|courtesy bright]]]](elseif:$day is 4)[ It is day #(print: $day).
The bed is soft... too soft?
[[Jump out of the bed|jump out]]. You look at your phone. It reads, "<b>10/20/16</b>," in white letters against a completely black screen.
[[Think again about the softness of the bed|fall in bed]].
[[Try not to think about anything|don't think]].
(live:24s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|courtesy bright]]]]
(set: $day to 0)
(goto: "black 0")
(if: (history:) contains "the end")[**(Just so you know, you've reached this FAILURE ending before, and this is the **only FAILURE ENDING** possible in this story/game, although there are **multiple ways** to get here.)**
You wake up. You don't remember what day it is.
You're in your bed. Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the brightness of your room. You hear clapping.? Out of the corner of your eye you see a familiar face sitting in the chair in the corner. He's the one clapping.
It's your good pal Jack.
"Well done. Well done..." Jack says smiling, "I am utterly impressed to see that you were able to ignore your emotions and escape my mental test-zone within--What was it that you said?--'five minutes?' I figured fear, confusion, and excitement would keep you trapped in there for four days no problem. It appears I was right. I guess you officially should concede that the human mind //is// vastly inferior to the AI mind..."
You reply, "You know, Jack? I suppose I should have some witty comeback to defend mankind's collective intelligence... but all I can think about right now is... I'm glad your Matrix wasn't a calculus class."
You both laugh.
[[Play Again|begin 2]]
(c) 2016](else:)[You wake up.(live: 2s)[ You don't remember what day it is.]
(live: 4s)[You're in your bed. Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the brightness of your room. You hear clapping.?](live: 9s)[ Out of the corner of your eye you see a familiar face sitting in the chair in the corner. He's the one clapping.](live: 12s)[
It's your good pal Jack.
"Well done. Well done..." Jack says smiling, "I am utterly impressed to see that you were able to ignore your emotions and escape my mental test-zone within--What was it that you said?--'five minutes?' I figured fear, confusion, and excitement would keep you trapped in there for four days no problem. It appears I was right. I guess you officially should concede that the human mind //is// vastly inferior to the AI mind..."
You reply, "You know, Jack? I suppose I should have some witty comeback to defend mankind's collective intelligence... but all I can think about right now is... I'm glad your Matrix wasn't a calculus class."
You both laugh.
[[Play Again|begin 2]]
(c) 2016]]
(if: (history:) contains "start")[You are standing in the dark on an asphalt road,
in the middle of nowhere,
woods on both sides,
//cold breeze,//
standing in front of a house--cold, dark, wood.
You try to [[enter|death]] the ominous house.
You try to get as far [[away|run]] from the house as you can.
(live: 5s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|choice]]]](else:)[You are standing in the dark on an asphalt road,
(live:2s)[in the middle of nowhere,]
(live:5s)[w](live:5.1s)[o](live:5.2s)[o](live:5.3s)[d](live:5.4s)[s](live:5.4s)[ ](live:5.5s)[o](live:5.6s)[n](live:5.6s)[ ](live:5.7s)[b](live:5.8s)[o](live:5.9s)[t](live:6s)[h](live:6s)[ ](live:6.1s)[s](live:6.2s)[i](live:6.3s)[d](live:6.4s)[e](live:6.5s)[s](live:6.6s)[,]
(live:9s)[<i>c</i>](live:9.05s)[<i>o</i>](live:9.1s)[<i>l</i>](live:9.15s)[<i>d</i>](live:9.15s)[<i> </i>](live:9.2s)[<i>b</i>](live:9.25s)[<i>r</i>](live:9.3s)[<i>e</i>](live:9.35s)[<i>e</i>](live:9.4s)[<i>z</i>](live:9.45s)[<i>e</i>](live:9.5s)[<i>,</i>]
(live:11s)[standing in front of a house--](live:13s)[cold,] (live:15s)[dark,] (live:17s)[wood.]
(live:18s)[You can't remember anything.]
(live:18s)[You try to [[enter|death]] the ominous house.
You try to get as far [[away|run]] from the house as you can.]
(live:24s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|choice]]]]
(if: (history:) contains "start 2")[You run as fast as you can down the street. You feel like something is chasing you for a brief moment. Then you stop, and realize there is no one behind you. <i>You have nothing to be afraid of!</i>, you think. You look around, remembering this <i>fact</i>. Nothing can hurt you. You finally start to realize how beautiful the night is... the bright white full moon with whispy clouds around it, occasionally passing over it... the chilly wind ruffling the pines along the sides of the road... and on your left (from what you assume is the south) a breeze that hints at warmth... actually making you wonder if you should take off your sweater and feel the autumn night air on your skin... Yes... You turn to your left to feel the warm breeze on your face... It feels good... and in the soft black shadows of the forest you think you can finally see a glimpse of hope. (click-replace: "hope.")[fear...
only <i>fear</i>...
There looms <i>the same house</i>.
[[ENTER the house.|black 1-1]]]](else:)[You run as fast as you can down the street. You feel like something is chasing you for a brief moment. Then you stop, and realize there is no one behind you. <i>You have nothing to be afraid of!</i>, you think. You look around, remembering this <i>fact</i>. Nothing can hurt you. You finally start to realize how beautiful the night is... the bright white full moon with whispy clouds around it, occasionally passing over it... the chilly wind ruffling the pines along the sides of the road... and on your left (from what you assume is the south) a breeze that hints at warmth... actually making you wonder if you should take off your sweater and feel the autumn night air on your skin... Yes... You turn to your left to feel the warm breeze on your face... It feels good... and in the soft black shadows of the forest you think you can finally see a glimpse of hope. (click-replace: "hope.")[fear...
only <i>fear</i>...
There looms <i>the same house</i>.
[[ENTER the house.|black 1]]]]
(if: (history:) contains "start 2")[You feel a cold blade slice through your neck, throat, and spine.
You just died.
(live: 6s)[(goto:"black 1-1")]](else:)[You feel a cold blade slice through your neck, throat, and spine.
You just died.
(live: 6s)[(goto:"black 1")]]
The floor begins to creak underneath you.
Even as you lie still, the creaking becomes gradually louder and louder, and you finally think you can feel the floorboards start to bow, as if bending under the wait of your body.
The instant you try to press your hands and feet against the hardwood floor to lift yourslelf upward, the boards crack, and the floor splits open, letting you fall--Your left shoulder bangs into a metal bar, flipping your body so you land on your back on the cold hard concrete floor.
[[Get up, and look around|dim basement]].
You jump out of bed, and you immediately see a dark shadowy figure in the doorway in front of you, taller than you, having a <i>long</i> snout, and--It lunges toward you.
[[Run!|eaten 2]]
You are swallowed by the bed--first the quilt, then the sheets, then the mattress. They fold around you, swallowing your body and suffocating you.
(live: 6s)[(goto:"failure choice")]
You lie there and try to clear your mind of anything and everything that would distract you from the here and [now.]<now|(click-append: ?now)[
You see something move out of the corner of your eye, but when you turn to look for it, all you can think of is the incredible weight of what looks like a werewolf that has just landed on top of you, pressing its front paws into your chest.--You swing for its frightening face with your fist, but before you even make contact, it has bitten into your [[throat.|failure choice]]]
(if: (history:) contains "black 1")[(live: 9s)[(goto: "day begin")][[Skip Music|day begin]] (You won't miss anything except the music if you click "Skip Music." This passage is literally just here so that you have a black background to look at while you're listening to the little tune.)](else:)[(live: 9s)[(goto: "day begin")]]
(if: (history:) contains "start 2")[You lie there and try to find all the places that are hurting on and in your body.
(live: 6s)[You feel sharp claws dig into your back.]
(live:9s)[You just died.]
(live: 11s)[(goto:"black 1-1")]](else:)[You lie there and try to find all the places that are hurting on and in your body.
(live: 6s)[You feel sharp claws dig into your back.]
(live:9s)[You just died.]
(live: 11s)[(goto:"black 1")]]
(print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[
(print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags contains "nomusic")[<script>CreepyHouse.fade(0,3000);</script>](elseif: (passage:)'s tags contains "xnomusic")[<script>CreepyHouse.stop();</script>](else:)[<script>CreepyHouse.stop();</script><script>CreepyHouse.play('http://nanoweb.000webhostapp.com/creepyhouse.m4a');</script><script>CreepyHouse.fade(1,1);</script>]
(if: (history:) contains "black 0")[(live: 9s)[(goto: "start")][[Skip Music|start]] (You won't miss anything except the music if you click "Skip Music." This passage is literally just here so that you have a black background to look at while you're listening to the little tune.)](else:)[(live: 9s)[(goto: "start")]]
1) This story/game contains frequent dark and disturbing scenarios, violence, and gore.
2) I have intentionally designed parts of this story/game (the text itself, background colors, and a tiny bit of music) to help produce feelings of fear in the reader.
Therefore, please read/play this story/game at your own [risk]<risk|.</h4>(click: ?risk)[
[[Read Story/Play Game|starting info]]]
(c) 2016
One last note:
This story/game makes use of a tiny bit of sound (about three notes). I enjoy reading it most with earphones in and the lights out. Feel free to play it this way.
If you would like to check to make sure your sound is working and at your preferred volume, click [here]<here|(click-replace: ?here)[<script>CreepyHouse.play('http://nanoweb.000webhostapp.com/creepyhouse.m4a');</script>(live: 9s)[(goto: "starting info")]], and the three notes of this story should play, if everything is working properly. After about nine seconds, the "here" link above will reset, so that you can try the sound again, if it doesn't work the first time, or the second, or the third, etc., etc...
[[Click here to start the story/game.|begin]]
(c) 2016
[[(c) 2016|copyright]] (Click this if you want information about copying all or part of this story/game.)
(if: (history:) contains "day begin")[<h4>Copyright Information</h4>
The following are rules for use of the text and code of this story/game (//Light: End to Beginning//). They were last modified on November 14, 2016. They are in effect starting at 12:00 AM on November 15, 2016, thereafter, and until they have been modified again. I (Nathaniel Brown: the author) reserve the right to change, delete, or replace these rules at any time.
1) If you are not me (Nathaniel Brown: the author), do NOT copy more than one sentence of the text that is visible in the playable version of this story/game (//Light: End to Beginning//) in any other published work, without giving me credit for it.
2) If you are not me, You MAY copy up to one SENTENCE of the text that is visible in the playable version of this story/game in any other published work, without giving me credit for it.
3) If you are not me, You MAY copy ANY amount of the text that is visible in the playable version of this story/game in any UNPUBLISHED work.
4) If you are not me, You MAY copy ANY amount of the text that is visible in the playable version of this story/game in any published work, IF you give me CREDIT for it by citing the TITLE of this story/game (//Light: End to Beginning//) AND my NAME (Nathaniel Brown) somewhere in the visible text of the work.
5) If you are not me, you MAY download, copy, modify (only as long as your modifications occur separate from and do not influence the text, code, functionality, or appearance of the published version of THIS story/game), and/or use the Twine, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and/or any other CODE I used in this story/game in any published or unpublished work, with OR without giving me credit, with one caveat: I do NOT guarantee the safety or reliability of ANY of said code, so use it ONLY AT YOUR OWN RISK.
6) In addition (and somewhat as part of rule (5) above), if you are not me, you MAY view, copy (if possible AND legal as far as everyone else is concerned), take screenshots of, download (if possible AND legal as far as everyone else is concerned), modify (only as long as your modifications occur separate from and do not influence the text, code, functionality, or appearance of the published version of THIS story/game), recreate, and/or use the IMAGES (background and otherwise) that I have coded into this story/game in any published or unpublished work, with OR without giving me credit.
7) In addition (and somewhat as part of rule (5) above), if you are not me, you MAY view/listen to, copy (if possible AND legal as far as everyone else is concerned), record, download (if possible AND legal as far as everyone else is concerned), modify (only as long as your modifications occur separate from and do not influence the text, code, functionality, or appearance of the published version of THIS story/game), recreate, and/or use the SOUNDS (background MUSIC, sound effects, and all other sounds) that I have coded into this story/game in any published or unpublished work, with OR without giving me credit.
8) If you ARE ME (Nathaniel Brown: the author), you may view, listen to, download, copy, record, modify, recreate, and/or use any and all parts (and the whole) of the text, code, images, and/or sounds of this story/game in any way that is legal and at any time.
[[Play Story/Game Again|begin 2]]](else:)[<h4>Copyright Information</h4>
The following are rules for use of the text and code of this story/game (//Light: End to Beginning//). They were last modified on November 14, 2016. They are in effect starting at 12:00 AM on November 15, 2016, thereafter, and until they have been modified again. I (Nathaniel Brown: the author) reserve the right to change, delete, or replace these rules at any time.
1) If you are not me (Nathaniel Brown: the author), do NOT copy more than one sentence of the text that is visible in the playable version of this story/game (//Light: End to Beginning//) in any other published work, without giving me credit for it.
2) If you are not me, You MAY copy up to one SENTENCE of the text that is visible in the playable version of this story/game in any other published work, without giving me credit for it.
3) If you are not me, You MAY copy ANY amount of the text that is visible in the playable version of this story/game in any UNPUBLISHED work.
4) If you are not me, You MAY copy ANY amount of the text that is visible in the playable version of this story/game in any published work, IF you give me CREDIT for it by citing the TITLE of this story/game (//Light: End to Beginning//) AND my NAME (Nathaniel Brown) somewhere in the visible text of the work.
5) If you are not me, you MAY download, copy, modify (only as long as your modifications occur separate from and do not influence the text, code, functionality, or appearance of the published version of THIS story/game), and/or use the Twine, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and/or any other CODE I used in this story/game in any published or unpublished work, with OR without giving me credit, with one caveat: I do NOT guarantee the safety or reliability of ANY of said code, so use it ONLY AT YOUR OWN RISK.
6) In addition (and somewhat as part of rule (5) above), if you are not me, you MAY view, copy (if possible AND legal as far as everyone else is concerned), take screenshots of, download (if possible AND legal as far as everyone else is concerned), modify (only as long as your modifications occur separate from and do not influence the text, code, functionality, or appearance of the published version of THIS story/game), recreate, and/or use the IMAGES (background and otherwise) that I have coded into this story/game in any published or unpublished work, with OR without giving me credit.
7) In addition (and somewhat as part of rule (5) above), if you are not me, you MAY view/listen to, copy (if possible AND legal as far as everyone else is concerned), record, download (if possible AND legal as far as everyone else is concerned), modify (only as long as your modifications occur separate from and do not influence the text, code, functionality, or appearance of the published version of THIS story/game), recreate, and/or use the SOUNDS (background MUSIC, sound effects, and all other sounds) that I have coded into this story/game in any published or unpublished work, with OR without giving me credit.
8) If you ARE ME (Nathaniel Brown: the author), you may view, listen to, download, copy, record, modify, recreate, and/or use any and all parts (and the whole) of the text, code, images, and/or sounds of this story/game in any way that is legal and at any time.
[[Back to Story/Game|begin]]]
You feel its sharp claws dig into your hips as it pulls you to the ground. You feel the pain of its pointed teeth penetrating the sides of your [neck--]<neck|(click-replace: ?neck)[(goto: "failure choice")]
(if: (history:) contains "escape")[**(Just so you know, you've reached this SUCCESS ENDING before, and this is the **only SUCCESS ENDING** possible in this story/game, although there are **multiple ways** to get here.)**
You wake up. You don't remember what day it is.
You're in your bed. Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the brightness of your room. You hear clapping.? Out of the corner of your eye you see a familiar face sitting in the chair in the corner. He's the one clapping.
It's your good pal Jack.
"I admit," Jack says smiling, "I am utterly shocked to see that you were able to ignore your emotions and escape my 'Matrix' this quick. I figured fear, confusion, and excitement would keep you trapped in there for four days no problem. I guess I officially have to concede that the human mind is only slightly inferior to the AI mind..."
You reply, "You wish. The only reason I stayed in as long as I did was because I thought I was dreaming... I figured a world you built would at least be imaginative. A house out in the woods? Really? I thought you'd at least do something interesting... like aliens."
You both laugh.
[[Play Again|begin 2]]
(c) 2016](else:)[You wake up.(live: 2s)[ You don't remember what day it is.]
(live: 4s)[You're in your bed. Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the brightness of your room. You hear clapping.?](live: 9s)[ Out of the corner of your eye you see a familiar face sitting in the chair in the corner. He's the one clapping.](live: 12s)[
It's your good pal Jack.
"I admit," Jack says smiling, "I am utterly shocked to see that you were able to ignore your emotions and escape my 'Matrix' this quick. I figured fear, confusion, and excitement would keep you trapped in there for four days no problem. I guess I officially have to concede that the human mind is only slightly inferior to the AI mind..."
You reply, "You wish. The only reason I stayed in as long as I did was because I thought I was dreaming... I figured a world you built would at least be imaginative. A house out in the woods? Really? I thought you'd at least do something interesting... like aliens."
You both laugh.
[[Play Again|begin 2]]
(c) 2016]]
(if: (history:) contains "choice")[**(Just so you know, you have read this passage before.)**
Congratulations! You've practically just won this story/game, meaning you've probably already figured out (or been told by someone else) the secret of how to win this pretty easily... Seriously, you're near the end. If you want to, all you have to do is click on like four more links to be taken to the official "SUCCESS ENDING" passage (the only success ending this story has, I might add).
Again, good job! But now you have a choice you can make. Don't worry. There really are only two options on this page--**only two links** you can click on this page.
**Option 1)**: IF you want to **play through more of this game** (because, if this is your first time playing through, let's face it... you may have won, but you really **didn't get to read the story**), click "Don't know the truth yet." below. This link will take you back to the first passage of this game--the one that starts with "You are standing in the dark on the asphalt road" or something like that. It goes on to talk about like woods and cold wind and a house and stuff. At that point, if you don't want to just be taken right back to this passage you are reading right now, choose an option in that first passage **other than** "Think about //why// you are here."
[[Don't know the truth yet.|black 0-0]]
**Option 2)**: IF you want to **reach the success ending now** and **find out right now** why you are on this road staring at this house, click "Know the truth." below. I reiterate that this is the only SUCCESS ENDING you can possibly reach in this game. Even if you read through every other passage of this story, the only "win ending" you will ever reach is the one you will be taken to if you click "Know the truth." below. There are many ways to die in this game, but only one way to escape.
[[Know the truth.|courtesy bright]]](else:)[Congratulations! You've practically just won this story/game, meaning you've probably already figured out (or been told by someone else) the secret of how to win this pretty easily... Seriously, you're near the end. If you want to, all you have to do is click on like four more links to be taken to the official "SUCCESS ENDING" passage (the only success ending this story has, I might [add).]<add|(click-append: ?add)[
Again, good job! But now you have a choice you can make. Don't worry. There really are only two options on this page--**only two links** you can click on this [page.]<page|](click-append: ?page)[Click on either (or both) of the two options ("Option 1" or "Option 2") to read more about it. You will not be directed to a different page by clicking on one of the links that just appeared below.
[**Option 1)**]<option1|(click-append: ?option1)[: IF you want to **play through more of this game** (because, if this is your first time playing through, let's face it... you may have won, but you really **didn't get to read the story**), click "Don't know the truth yet." below. This link will take you back to the first passage of this game--the one that starts with "You are standing in the dark on the asphalt road" or something like that. It goes on to talk about like woods and cold wind and a house and stuff. At that point, if you don't want to just be taken right back to this passage you are reading right now, choose an option in that first passage **other than** "Think about //why// you are here."
[[Don't know the truth yet.|black 0-0]]]
[**Option 2)**]<option2|(click-append: ?option2)[: IF you want to **reach the success ending now** and **find out right now** why you are on this road staring at this house, click "Know the truth." below. I reiterate that this is the only SUCCESS ENDING you can possibly reach in this game. Even if you read through every other passage of this story, the only "win ending" you will ever reach is the one you will be taken to if you click "Know the truth." below. There are many ways to die in this game, but only one way to escape.
[[Know the truth.|courtesy bright]]]]]
(if: (history:) contains "start 2")[(if: (history:) contains "death")[**(Just so you know, you have read this passage before.)**
As you walk up the wooden porch stairs, out of the corner of your eye you see something move in the window.
You strain to see what it is from where you are, but you can't see anything. It's pitch black inside.
You make it onto the porch and approach the window slowly, straining to see inside every step of the way, but you never see anything but black.
Finally your nose is almost touching the window. You can feel the air is colder near the glass. You finally start to see the unidentified moving object. It looks like... a small... puppy! It's white and fluffy and adorable--It approaches the glass and gestures as if it would like to smell your face. You wish it could too. You feel comfort in knowing you're not alone here, and you feel much less afraid of entering the house.
You stare at the puppy's large eyes--It lunges at the glass, shattering it into a thousand pieces that pierce your skin and cut your eyes. You fall backward, hitting your head on the wooden porch, and then you feel the cold, soft puppy paws land on your bleeding face. You can barely see now, but you can percieve enough to realize the puppy is turning from beige to black and morphing into something much smaller and more ropelike. It slithers into your left nostril. As you gasp for air through your mouth, you feel its dry scaly body chafing the insides of your nose and throat. For some reason, you feel like you can't move your hands to grab onto its tail and pull it out. You now realize the pain that you've been ignoring in your back. In your fall, you must have landed on something and injured your spine. You begin to feel the panic that comes with not being able to [[breathe!|black 1-1]]](else:)[As you walk up the wooden porch stairs, out of the corner of your eye you see something move in the [window.]<window|(click-append: ?window)[
You strain to see what it is from where you are, but you can't see anything. It's pitch black [inside.]<inside|](click-append: ?inside)[
You make it onto the porch and approach the window slowly, straining to see inside every step of the way, but you never see anything but [black.]<black|](click-append: ?black)[
Finally your nose is almost touching the window. You can feel the air is colder near the glass. You finally start to see the unidentified moving object. It looks like[...]<dog|](click-append: ?dog)[ a [small...]<small|](click-append: ?small)[ puppy! It's white and fluffy and adorable--It approaches the glass and gestures as if it would like to smell your face. You step back for a second; but then, when you realize it really just wants to smell you, you wish it could too. You feel comfort in knowing you're not alone here, and you feel much less afraid of entering the [house.]<house|](click-append: ?house)[
You stare at the puppy's large eyes--It lunges at the glass, shattering it into a thousand pieces that pierce your skin and cut your eyes. You fall backward, hitting your head on the wooden porch, and then you feel the cold, soft puppy paws land on your bleeding face. You can barely see now, but you can percieve enough to realize the puppy is turning from white to black and morphing into something much smaller and more ropelike. It slithers into your left nostril. As you gasp for air through your mouth, you feel its dry scaly body chafing the insides of your nose and throat. For some reason, you feel like you can't move your hands to grab onto its tail and pull it out. You now realize the pain that you've been ignoring in your back. In your fall, you must have landed on something and injured your spine. You begin to feel the panic that comes with not being able to [[breathe!|black 1-1]]]]](else:)[(if: (history:) contains "death")[**(Just so you know, you have read this passage before.)**
As you walk up the wooden porch stairs, out of the corner of your eye you see something move in the window.
You strain to see what it is from where you are, but you can't see anything. It's pitch black inside.
You make it onto the porch and approach the window slowly, straining to see inside every step of the way, but you never see anything but black.
Finally your nose is almost touching the window. You can feel the air is colder near the glass. You finally start to see the unidentified moving object. It looks like... a small... puppy! It's white and fluffy and adorable--It approaches the glass and gestures as if it would like to smell your face. You wish it could too. You feel comfort in knowing you're not alone here, and you feel much less afraid of entering the house.
You stare at the puppy's large eyes--It lunges at the glass, shattering it into a thousand pieces that pierce your skin and cut your eyes. You fall backward, hitting your head on the wooden porch, and then you feel the cold, soft puppy paws land on your bleeding face. You can barely see now, but you can percieve enough to realize the puppy is turning from beige to black and morphing into something much smaller and more ropelike. It slithers into your left nostril. As you gasp for air through your mouth, you feel its dry scaly body chafing the insides of your nose and throat. For some reason, you feel like you can't move your hands to grab onto its tail and pull it out. You now realize the pain that you've been ignoring in your back. In your fall, you must have landed on something and injured your spine. You begin to feel the panic that comes with not being able to [[breathe!|black 1]]](else:)[As you walk up the wooden porch stairs, out of the corner of your eye you see something move in the [window.]<window|(click-append: ?window)[
You strain to see what it is from where you are, but you can't see anything. It's pitch black [inside.]<inside|](click-append: ?inside)[
You make it onto the porch and approach the window slowly, straining to see inside every step of the way, but you never see anything but [black.]<black|](click-append: ?black)[
Finally your nose is almost touching the window. You can feel the air is colder near the glass. You finally start to see the unidentified moving object. It looks like[...]<dog|](click-append: ?dog)[ a [small...]<small|](click-append: ?small)[
puppy! It's white and fluffy and adorable--It approaches the glass and gestures as if it would like to smell your face. You step back for a second; but then, when you realize it really just wants to smell you, you wish it could too. You feel comfort in knowing you're not alone here, and you feel much less afraid of entering the [house.]<house|](click-append: ?house)[
You stare at the puppy's large eyes--It lunges at the glass, shattering it into a thousand pieces that pierce your skin and cut your eyes. You fall backward, hitting your head on the wooden porch, and then you feel the cold, soft puppy paws land on your bleeding face. You can barely see now, but you can percieve enough to realize the puppy is turning from white to black and morphing into something much smaller and more ropelike. It slithers into your left nostril. As you gasp for air through your mouth, you feel its dry scaly body chafing the insides of your nose and throat. For some reason, you feel like you can't move your hands to grab onto its tail and pull it out. You now realize the pain that you've been ignoring in your back. In your fall, you must have landed on something and injured your spine. You begin to feel the panic that comes with not being able to [[breathe!|black 1]]]]]
(if: (history:) contains "start 2")[You slowly get up, at first trying to pay careful attention to all the parts of your body that hurt, and then finally just pushing through the pain with some groaning as you stand up. You suddenly hear a violent gust of wind tear across the side of the house behind you, so you jump a little, and then you turn around to see if there's a window you can look through to the outside. Before you even get the chance to look closely at the window that //is// there, you notice a small end table in the floor between you and the window.
On the end table is a chess board, populated with traditional-looking chess pieces, except for the fact that they're all black (on both sides of the board) with red eyes?. All at once, each and every piece turns on its square to face you and stare into your eyes--You immediately begin to feel even colder than you were, starting at your feet and traveling up your body. Finally, it's as if you're literally freezing from the inside out. Your chest feels so cold that it [hurts...]<hurts|(click-append: ?hurts)[(goto: "black 1-1")]](else:)[You slowly get up, at first trying to pay careful attention to all the parts of your body that hurt, and then finally just pushing through the pain with some groaning as you stand up. You suddenly hear a violent gust of wind tear across the side of the house behind you, so you jump a little, and then you turn around to see if there's a window you can look through to the outside. Before you even get the chance to look closely at the window that //is// there, you notice a small end table in the floor between you and the window.
On the end table is a chess board, populated with traditional-looking chess pieces, except for the fact that they're all black (on both sides of the board) with red eyes?. All at once, each and every piece turns on its square to face you and stare into your eyes--You immediately begin to feel even colder than you were, starting at your feet and traveling up your body. Finally, it's as if you're literally freezing from the inside out. Your chest feels so cold that it [hurts...]<hurts|(click-append: ?hurts)[(goto: "black 1")]]
As your eyes seem to adjust to the dim lighting (which strangely seems slightly less dark than it was on the floor you fell from), a dark, dusty, unfinished basement begins to gradually appear around you (almost as if it's materializing out of the air), complete with washer, dryer, bookshelves, and other stuff you can't make out in the dark.
[[Think about the basement.|think basement]]
[[Try to get out of the house as quickly as possible.|try out]]
[[Try to find a way to get back up to the floor above you.|try up]]
You slowly walk forward, cautious of your surroundings, but getting more confident with every step. This place reminds you of your own basement.? In fact, it looks exactly like your own basement (well, as much as it can in the dark).
[[Go to where the light switch would be if this was your basement.|light switch]]
[[Think about your own basement|think your basement]]
(if: (history:) contains "start 2")[You search your mind for some memory or idea that will help you escape this house, but you're drawing a blank. Suddenly, the whole room starts rotating. You don't understand how, but by the time the room has rotated one full time, you are no longer in the basement. You are in what looks like a kitchen... You think you can vaguely make out a stove, counterspace, a dishwasher, a sink, and a refrigerator, but it's hard to tell if you're seeing any of this or just imagining it. It's still always dark in this house. You can barely see anything beyond what's directly in front of you (and even that looks like a shadow).
Now you think you see a large flatscreen television about two yards in front of your face--The TV switches on, and your are startled by the sight and sound of gray fuzz on the screen. Then the TV switches off suddenly.
You hear loud obnoxious laughing coming from above your head. You listen to it in still silence for what feels like five minutes... ... ... ... ...
The TV switches on again, but this time it displays the face of a circus clown grinning--It switches off, and the clown is standing in person directly in front of you. He is at least two feet taller than you, looking down into your eyes... You feel a sudden burning sensation in your eyes, so you blink, and he's [[gone.|black 1-1]]](else:)[You search your mind for some memory or idea that will help you escape this house, but you're drawing a blank. Suddenly, the whole room starts rotating. You don't understand how, but by the time the room has rotated one full time, you are no longer in the basement. You are in what looks like a kitchen... You think you can vaguely make out a stove, counterspace, a dishwasher, a sink, and a refrigerator, but it's hard to tell if you're seeing any of this or just imagining it. It's still always dark in this house. You can barely see anything beyond what's directly in front of you (and even that looks like a shadow).
Now you think you see a large flatscreen television about two yards in front of your face--The TV switches on, and your are startled by the sight and sound of gray fuzz on the screen. Then the TV switches off suddenly.
You hear loud obnoxious laughing coming from above your head. You listen to it in still silence for what feels like five minutes... ... ... ... ...
The TV switches on again, but this time it displays the face of a circus clown grinning--It switches off, and the clown is standing in person directly in front of you. He is at least two feet taller than you, looking down into your eyes... You feel a sudden burning sensation in your eyes, so you blink, and he's [[gone.|black 1]]]
(if: (history:) contains "start 2")[You look around you for a ladder. This is a basement after all... As you look around, you find it hard to stop turning your body around, and around, and around, and around until you are spinning faster than you could spin yourself--You feel the sheer wind tearing your flesh away from your bones as you spin [[faster.|black 1-1]]](else:)[You look around you for a ladder. This is a basement after all... As you look around, you find it hard to stop turning your body around, and around, and around, and around until you are spinning faster than you could spin yourself--You feel the sheer wind tearing your flesh away from your bones as you spin [[faster.|black 1]]]
(if: (history:) contains "start 2")[You back up a few steps, turn to your left, and--sure enough--there's a dark, steep wooden staircase in front of you. Almost without thinking, you run up the stairs as if you were running away from someone, as you reach for the lightswitch with your left hand--The steps give way beneath you, and you fall into a pit of black slimy grainy viscous liquid. You feel hands grab your ankles from within the liquid and pull you down. You [[suffocate.|black 1-1]]](else:)[You back up a few steps, turn to your left, and--sure enough--there's a dark, steep wooden staircase in front of you. Almost without thinking, you run up the stairs as if you were running away from someone, as you reach for the lightswitch with your left hand--The steps give way beneath you, and you fall into a pit of black slimy grainy viscous liquid. You feel hands grab your ankles from within the liquid and pull you down. You [[suffocate.|black 1]]]
(if: (history:) contains "think your basement")[**(Just so you know, you have read this passage before.)**
Like this basement, yours is layed out in somewhat of a circle (even though the walls make it a square) around the staircase that leads upstairs, making a kind of rectangular donut, with the stairs being the donut hole. You remember the lightswitch is at the top of the stairs.
If this was your basement, you'd be standing in front of the washer and dryer; and, if you backed up a few steps, the staircase would be directly to your left.
You back up a few steps and turn to your left. It's still so dark that you can barely see your feet if you look down, but you can vaguely see the stairs in front of you.--Why is this place so much like your [[basement?!|courtesy bright]]](else:)[Like this basement, yours is layed out in somewhat of a circle (even though the walls make it a square) around the staircase that leads upstairs, making a kind of rectangular donut, with the stairs being the donut hole. You remember the lightswitch is at the top of the [stairs.]<stairs|(click-append: ?stairs)[
If this was your basement, you'd be standing in front of the washer and dryer; and, if you backed up a few steps, the staircase would be directly to your [left.]<left|](click-append: ?left)[
You back up a few steps and turn to your left. It's still so dark that you can barely see your feet if you look down, but you can vaguely see the stairs in front of you.[--]<more|](click-append: ?more)[Why is this place so much like your [[basement?!|courtesy bright]]]]
(if: (history:) contains "failure choice")[**(Just so you know, you've read this passage before.)**
Unfortunately, you just lost this story/game. There are a few cool things about this situation you find yourself in though. Those cool things are (1) if you were trying to lose, you succeeded (Congratulations!); (2) if you would like to win in the future, you probably (if I've done my job) now know more about how to win if you play again; and (3) if you would like to win in the future, there is a way to win this (some stories have no successful endings, but this one does).
Now you have a simple choice to make. (Don't worry. There really are only two options on this page--**only two links** you can click on this page. If you've played this game for any length of time, you probably know some passages in this story have more than two options, which are not always obvious.)
The reason why you have a choice to make is this: you lost, but a FAILURE ENDING in this game will still reveal the mystery that exists behind the strange happenings in this story. It will not be the same playing this game again (because you might actually already know how to beat it), once you have read the passages that will follow if you choose to continue on to your FAILURE ENDING.
So, I have given you two options below: **(1)** the option to **see** how the **FAILURE ENDING** of this story plays out **now**, or **(2) try to achieve the SUCCESS ENDING** of this game **without seeing the FAILURE ENDING** first.
**Option 1)**: IF you want to **read through this story again** to **try to win** (yes, it is possible to win this game--get a SUCCESS ENDING), click "Don't know the truth yet." below. This link will take you back to the first passage of this story--the one that starts with "You are standing in the dark on the asphalt road" or something like that. It goes on to talk about like woods and cold wind and a house and stuff.
[[Don't know the truth yet.|black 0-0]]
**Option 2)**: IF you want to REACH THE FAILURE ENDING NOW and FIND OUT RIGHT NOW why you were on that road staring at this house, click "Know the truth." below. By the way, this is the only FAILURE ENDING you can possibly reach in this game. Even if you read through every other passage of this story, the only "loss/fail ending" you will ever reach is the one you will be taken to if you click "Know the truth." below. There are many ways to die in this game, but dying once or twice or even a few times doesn't necessarily mean you lose. Getting this option to click "Know the truth." below is how you lose.
[[Know the truth.|courtesy bright 2]]](else:)[Unfortunately, you just lost this story/game. There are a few cool things about this situation you find yourself in though. Those cool things are (1) if you were trying to lose, you succeeded (Congratulations!); (2) if you would like to win in the future, you probably (if I've done my job) now know more about how to win if you play again; and (3) if you would like to win in the future, there is a way to win this (some stories have no successful endings, but this one [does).]<does|(click-append: ?does)[
Now you have a simple choice to make. (Don't worry. There really are only two options on this page--**only two links** you can click on this page. If you've played this game for any length of time, you probably know some passages in this story have more than two options, which are not always [obvious.)]<obvious|](click-append: ?obvious)[
The reason why you have a choice to make is this: you lost, but a FAILURE ENDING in this game will still reveal the mystery that exists behind the strange happenings in this story. It will not be the same playing this game again (because you might actually already know how to beat it), once you have read the passages that will follow if you choose to continue on to your FAILURE ENDING.
So, I have given you two options below: **(1)** the option to **see** how the **FAILURE ENDING** of this story plays out **now**, or **(2) try to achieve the SUCCESS ENDING** of this game **without seeing the FAILURE ENDING** [first.]<first|](click-append: ?first)[Click on either (or both) of the two options ("Option 1" or "Option 2") to read more about it. You will not be directed to a different page by clicking on one of the links that just appeared below.
[**Option 1)**]<option3|(click-append: ?option3)[: IF you want to **read through this story again** to **try to win** (yes, it is possible to win this game--get a SUCCESS ENDING), click "Don't know the truth yet." below. This link will take you back to the first passage of this story--the one that starts with "You are standing in the dark on the asphalt road" or something like that. It goes on to talk about like woods and cold wind and a house and stuff.
[[Don't know the truth yet.|black 0-0]]]
[**Option 2)**]<option4|(click-append: ?option4)[: IF you want to REACH THE FAILURE ENDING NOW and FIND OUT RIGHT NOW why you were on that road staring at this house, click "Know the truth." below. By the way, this is the only FAILURE ENDING you can possibly reach in this game. Even if you read through every other passage of this story, the only "loss/fail ending" you will ever reach is the one you will be taken to if you click "Know the truth." below. There are many ways to die in this game, but dying once or twice or even a few times doesn't necessarily mean you lose. Getting this option to click "Know the truth." below is how you lose.
[[Know the truth.|courtesy bright 2]]]]]
(live:3s)[(goto: "remember")]
<hr>Note (outside of the story/game world--in //real// life):
You might want to close your eyes as you click this "bright!" link, to help them adjust. The background is about to change from black to... [[bright!|beige 1]]<hr>
(if: (history:) contains "start 2")[You close your eyes tight, but you feel uneasy. Are you sure you don't want to [[open your eyes?|escape]]
[[Close your eyes tighter.|black 1-1]]](else:)[You close your eyes tight, but you feel uneasy. Are you sure you don't want to [[open your eyes?|escape]]
[[Close your eyes tighter.|black 1]]]
(if: (history:) contains "remember")[**(Just so you know, you have read this passage before.)**
You remember:...
JACK (your robot/supercomputer/friend): "It does not pain me to say this, Aaron, because I cannot feel emotional pain. However, based on my limited data about emotions, extensive analysis of our relationship, and various statistical analyses, I have calculated that the probability that my saying this would produce in me an emotional feeling resembling physical pain, if I were able to experience emotions in the way that you seem to be able to, is approximately three, zero, fo--"
YOU (Aaron): "Jack! Jack Jack Jack, drop the fake computer accent! Seriously man, just say what you have to say! I am sure that pretending to have a primitive language processing center is not going to make your next comment any less insulting..."(cracks a smile)
JACK: (cracks an imitative smile)"...I think my mind is superior to yours, in that I can focus better, because I can't feel emotions. I think my mind is capable of clearer focus than the human mind--yours in particular..."(smiles bigger now)
YOU: (chuckles)"Wow! I see how it is! That was hurtful, but continue... You always have some purpose for making these kinds of comments, so what's your point in deriding me today?"(finally laughs)
JACK: (chuckles)"I did not mean to //deride// you. If it came out that way, it is because of the inadequacies of your vocabulary when it comes to expressing complex thoughts, such as those I have frequently, but I'm sure you have very little need to express thoughts of this caliber."(smiles bigger now)
YOU: (just smiles and rolls eyes)
JACK: (still smiles)"Seriously though, I think I can build a mental world so emotionally stimulating that, when I inject you into it, you will totally forget we ever had this conversation and remain stuck there until I pull you out."(smiles knowingly)
YOU: (looks intrigued now, still smiles)"So you think you can put my mind into your own little 'Matrix'... and make it so delightful I'll never realize my mind's inside a computer? You're on."(smiles and laughs confidently)
JACK: (still smiles but looks more serious now)"It could be delightful, or it could be terrifying, or it could be both! I would think you wouldn't want me to tell you exactly what our little 'mental test-zone' is going to look like. You seem like you think you'll have no problem getting out without my help, so why don't you want the extra challenge? Even if I told you exactly what to expect, I still don't think you'd make it out of my 'Matrix,' as you so eloquently put it, on your own; but, for sake of your own pride and self-esteem, I don't want to make the challenge you're going to fail look too easy..."(smiles knowingly again)
YOU: (laughs sincerely for a good few seconds; then catches breath)"Alright Jack, //don't// tell me what to expect. I love surprises. When do we start this 'test'? I'll bust out of your tiny imaginary jail in 5 minutes easy... After all, everyone knows the human mind is vastly superior to the AI mind in any situation except a calculus class..."
JACK: (pretends to look insulted)"We'll see who's mind is 'superior' after the test. And, while I appreciate your sense of humor with the five minutes idea, I will give you five days to 'bust out.' But, in order for the results to be most accurate, I'll have to put you in my brilliantly designed computer environment while you're sleeping one random night, when you're not expecting it... Are you sure you want to go through with this, Aaron? There's no shame in backing out... unless you feel the need to prove that the AI mind is vastly superior to the human mind..."[(smiles)]<win|(click-append: ?win)[
**[[Open your eyes.|escape]]
[[Close your eyes.|sure]]**]](elseif: (history:) contains "remember fail")[You remember:...
JACK (your robot/supercomputer/friend): "It does not pain me to say this, Aaron, because I cannot feel emotional pain. However, based on my limited data about emotions, extensive analysis of our relationship, and various statistical analyses, I have calculated that the probability that my saying this would produce in me an emotional feeling resembling physical pain, if I were able to experience emotions in the way that you seem to be able to, is approximately three, zero, fo--"
YOU (Aaron): "Jack! Jack Jack Jack, drop the fake computer accent! Seriously man, just say what you have to say! I am sure that pretending to have a primitive language processing center is not going to make your next comment any less insulting..."(cracks a smile)
JACK: (cracks an imitative smile)"...I think my mind is superior to yours, in that I can focus better, because I can't feel emotions. I think my mind is capable of clearer focus than the human mind--yours in particular..."(smiles bigger now)
YOU: (chuckles)"Wow! I see how it is! That was hurtful, but continue... You always have some purpose for making these kinds of comments, so what's your point in deriding me today?"(finally laughs)
JACK: (chuckles)"I did not mean to //deride// you. If it came out that way, it is because of the inadequacies of your vocabulary when it comes to expressing complex thoughts, such as those I have frequently, but I'm sure you have very little need to express thoughts of this caliber."(smiles bigger now)
YOU: (just smiles and rolls eyes)
JACK: (still smiles)"Seriously though, I think I can build a mental world so emotionally stimulating that, when I inject you into it, you will totally forget we ever had this conversation and remain stuck there until I pull you out."(smiles knowingly)
YOU: (looks intrigued now, still smiles)"So you think you can put my mind into your own little 'Matrix'... and make it so delightful I'll never realize my mind's inside a computer? You're on."(smiles and laughs confidently)
JACK: (still smiles but looks more serious now)"It could be delightful, or it could be terrifying, or it could be both! I would think you wouldn't want me to tell you exactly what our little 'mental test-zone' is going to look like. You seem like you think you'll have no problem getting out without my help, so why don't you want the extra challenge? Even if I told you exactly what to expect, I still don't think you'd make it out of my 'Matrix,' as you so eloquently put it, on your own; but, for sake of your own pride and self-esteem, I don't want to make the challenge you're going to fail look too easy..."(smiles knowingly again)
YOU: (laughs sincerely for a good few seconds; then catches breath)"Alright Jack, //don't// tell me what to expect. I love surprises. When do we start this 'test'? I'll bust out of your tiny imaginary jail in 5 minutes easy... After all, everyone knows the human mind is vastly superior to the AI mind in any situation except a calculus class..."
JACK: (pretends to look insulted)"We'll see who's mind is 'superior' after the test. And, while I appreciate your sense of humor with the five minutes idea, I will give you four days to 'bust out.' But, in order for the results to be most accurate, I'll have to put you in my brilliantly designed computer environment while you're sleeping one random night, when you're not expecting it... Are you sure you want to go through with this, Aaron? There's no shame in backing out... unless you feel the need to prove that the AI mind is vastly superior to the human mind..."[(smiles)]<win|(click-append: ?win)[
**[[Open your eyes.|escape]]
[[Close your eyes.|sure]]**]](else:)[You [remember:...]<remember|(click-append: ?remember)[
JACK (your robot/supercomputer/friend): "It does not pain me to say this, Aaron, because I cannot feel emotional pain. However, based on my limited data about emotions, extensive analysis of our relationship, and various statistical analyses, I have calculated that the probability that my saying this would produce in me an emotional feeling resembling physical pain, if I were able to experience emotions in the way that you seem to be able to, is approximately three, zero, [fo--"]<in|](click-append: ?in)[
YOU (Aaron): "Jack! Jack Jack Jack, drop the fake computer accent! Seriously man, just say what you have to say! I am sure that pretending to have a primitive language processing center is not going to make your next comment any less insulting..."(cracks a [smile)]<smiles|](click-append: ?smiles)[
JACK: (cracks an imitative smile)"...I think my mind is superior to yours, in that I can focus better, because I can't feel emotions. I think my mind is capable of clearer focus than the human mind--yours in particular..."(smiles bigger [now)]<again|](click-append: ?again)[
YOU: (chuckles)"Wow! I see how it is! That was hurtful, but continue... You always have some purpose for making these kinds of comments, so what's your point in deriding me today?"[(finally laughs)]<laughing|](click-append: ?laughing)[
JACK: (chuckles)"I did not mean to //deride// you. If it came out that way, it is because of the inadequacies of your vocabulary when it comes to expressing complex thoughts, such as those I have frequently, but I'm sure you have very little need to express thoughts of this caliber."(smiles bigger [now)]<now|](click-append: ?now)[
YOU: (just smiles and rolls [eyes)]<eyes|](click-append: ?eyes)[
JACK: (still smiles)"Seriously though, I think I can build a mental world so emotionally stimulating that, when I inject you into it, you will totally forget we ever had this conversation and remain stuck there until I pull you out."(smiles [knowingly)]<out|](click-append: ?out)[
YOU: (looks intrigued now, still smiles)"So you think you can put my mind into your own little 'Matrix'... and make it so delightful I'll never realize my mind's inside a computer? You're on."(smiles and laughs [confidently)]<confident|](click-append: ?confident)[
JACK: (still smiles but looks more serious now)"It could be delightful, or it could be terrifying, or it could be both! I would think you wouldn't want me to tell you exactly what our little 'mental test-zone' is going to look like. You seem like you think you'll have no problem getting out without my help, so why don't you want the extra challenge? Even if I told you exactly what to expect, I still don't think you'd make it out of my 'Matrix,' as you so eloquently put it, on your own; but, for sake of your own pride and self-esteem, I don't want to make the challenge you're going to fail look too easy..."(smiles knowingly [again)]<sassy|](click-append: ?sassy)[
YOU: (laughs sincerely for a good few seconds; then catches breath)"Alright Jack, //don't// tell me what to expect. I love surprises. When do we start this 'test'? I'll bust out of your tiny imaginary jail in 5 minutes easy... After all, everyone knows the human mind is vastly superior to the AI mind in any situation except a calculus [class..."]<class|](click-append: ?class)[
JACK: (pretends to look insulted)"We'll see who's mind is 'superior' after the test. And, while I appreciate your sense of humor with the five minutes idea, I will give you four days to 'bust out.' But, in order for the results to be most accurate, I'll have to put you in my brilliantly designed computer environment while you're sleeping one random night, when you're not expecting it... Are you sure you want to go through with this, Aaron? There's no shame in backing out... unless you feel the need to prove that the AI mind is vastly superior to the human mind..."[(smiles)]<win|](click-append: ?win)[
**[[Open your eyes.|escape]]
[[Close your eyes.|sure]]**]]
(if: (history:) contains "remember")[You remember:...
JACK (your robot/supercomputer/friend): "It does not pain me to say this, Aaron, because I cannot feel emotional pain. However, based on my limited data about emotions, extensive analysis of our relationship, and various statistical analyses, I have calculated that the probability that my saying this would produce in me an emotional feeling resembling physical pain, if I were able to experience emotions in the way that you seem to be able to, is approximately three, zero, fo--"
YOU (Aaron): "Jack! Jack Jack Jack, drop the fake computer accent! Seriously man, just say what you have to say! I am sure that pretending to have a primitive language processing center is not going to make your next comment any less insulting..."(cracks a smile)
JACK: (cracks an imitative smile)"...I think my mind is superior to yours, in that I can focus better, because I can't feel emotions. I think my mind is capable of clearer focus than the human mind--yours in particular..."(smiles bigger now)
YOU: (chuckles)"Wow! I see how it is! That was hurtful, but continue... You always have some purpose for making these kinds of comments, so what's your point in deriding me today?"(finally laughs)
JACK: (chuckles)"I did not mean to //deride// you. If it came out that way, it is because of the inadequacies of your vocabulary when it comes to expressing complex thoughts, such as those I have frequently, but I'm sure you have very little need to express thoughts of this caliber."(smiles bigger now)
YOU: (just smiles and rolls eyes)
JACK: (still smiles)"Seriously though, I think I can build a mental world so emotionally stimulating that, when I inject you into it, you will totally forget we ever had this conversation and remain stuck there until I pull you out."(smiles knowingly)
YOU: (looks intrigued now, still smiles)"So you think you can put my mind into your own little 'Matrix'... and make it so delightful I'll never realize my mind's inside a computer? You're on."(smiles and laughs confidently)
JACK: (still smiles but looks more serious now)"It could be delightful, or it could be terrifying, or it could be both! I would think you wouldn't want me to tell you exactly what our little 'mental test-zone' is going to look like. You seem like you think you'll have no problem getting out without my help, so why don't you want the extra challenge? Even if I told you exactly what to expect, I still don't think you'd make it out of my 'Matrix,' as you so eloquently put it, on your own; but, for sake of your own pride and self-esteem, I don't want to make the challenge you're going to fail look too easy..."(smiles knowingly again)
YOU: (laughs sincerely for a good few seconds; then catches breath)"Alright Jack, //don't// tell me what to expect. I love surprises. When do we start this 'test'? I'll bust out of your tiny imaginary jail in 5 minutes easy... After all, everyone knows the human mind is vastly superior to the AI mind in any situation except a calculus class..."
JACK: (pretends to look insulted)"We'll see who's mind is 'superior' after the test. And, while I appreciate your sense of humor with the five minutes idea, I will give you five days to 'bust out.' But, in order for the results to be most accurate, I'll have to put you in my brilliantly designed computer environment while you're sleeping one random night, when you're not expecting it... Are you sure you want to go through with this, Aaron? There's no shame in backing out... unless you feel the need to prove that the AI mind is vastly superior to the human mind..."[(smiles)]<win|(click-append: ?win)[
**[[Open your eyes.|the end]]
[[Keep your eyes closed.|have to open]]**]](elseif: (history:) contains "remember fail")[**(Just so you know, you've read this passage before.)**
You remember:...
JACK (your robot/supercomputer/friend): "It does not pain me to say this, Aaron, because I cannot feel emotional pain. However, based on my limited data about emotions, extensive analysis of our relationship, and various statistical analyses, I have calculated that the probability that my saying this would produce in me an emotional feeling resembling physical pain, if I were able to experience emotions in the way that you seem to be able to, is approximately three, zero, fo--"
YOU (Aaron): "Jack! Jack Jack Jack, drop the fake computer accent! Seriously man, just say what you have to say! I am sure that pretending to have a primitive language processing center is not going to make your next comment any less insulting..."(cracks a smile)
JACK: (cracks an imitative smile)"...I think my mind is superior to yours, in that I can focus better, because I can't feel emotions. I think my mind is capable of clearer focus than the human mind--yours in particular..."(smiles bigger now)
YOU: (chuckles)"Wow! I see how it is! That was hurtful, but continue... You always have some purpose for making these kinds of comments, so what's your point in deriding me today?"(finally laughs)
JACK: (chuckles)"I did not mean to //deride// you. If it came out that way, it is because of the inadequacies of your vocabulary when it comes to expressing complex thoughts, such as those I have frequently, but I'm sure you have very little need to express thoughts of this caliber."(smiles bigger now)
YOU: (just smiles and rolls eyes)
JACK: (still smiles)"Seriously though, I think I can build a mental world so emotionally stimulating that, when I inject you into it, you will totally forget we ever had this conversation and remain stuck there until I pull you out."(smiles knowingly)
YOU: (looks intrigued now, still smiles)"So you think you can put my mind into your own little 'Matrix'... and make it so delightful I'll never realize my mind's inside a computer? You're on."(smiles and laughs confidently)
JACK: (still smiles but looks more serious now)"It could be delightful, or it could be terrifying, or it could be both! I would think you wouldn't want me to tell you exactly what our little 'mental test-zone' is going to look like. You seem like you think you'll have no problem getting out without my help, so why don't you want the extra challenge? Even if I told you exactly what to expect, I still don't think you'd make it out of my 'Matrix,' as you so eloquently put it, on your own; but, for sake of your own pride and self-esteem, I don't want to make the challenge you're going to fail look too easy..."(smiles knowingly again)
YOU: (laughs sincerely for a good few seconds; then catches breath)"Alright Jack, //don't// tell me what to expect. I love surprises. When do we start this 'test'? I'll bust out of your tiny imaginary jail in 5 minutes easy... After all, everyone knows the human mind is vastly superior to the AI mind in any situation except a calculus class..."
JACK: (pretends to look insulted)"We'll see who's mind is 'superior' after the test. And, while I appreciate your sense of humor with the five minutes idea, I will give you four days to 'bust out.' But, in order for the results to be most accurate, I'll have to put you in my brilliantly designed computer environment while you're sleeping one random night, when you're not expecting it... Are you sure you want to go through with this, Aaron? There's no shame in backing out... unless you feel the need to prove that the AI mind is vastly superior to the human mind..."[(smiles)]<win|(click-append: ?win)[
**[[Open your eyes.|the end]]
[[Keep your eyes closed.|have to open]]**]](else:)[You [remember:...]<remember|(click-append: ?remember)[
JACK (your robot/supercomputer/friend): "It does not pain me to say this, Aaron, because I cannot feel emotional pain. However, based on my limited data about emotions, extensive analysis of our relationship, and various statistical analyses, I have calculated that the probability that my saying this would produce in me an emotional feeling resembling physical pain, if I were able to experience emotions in the way that you seem to be able to, is approximately three, zero, [fo--"]<in|](click-append: ?in)[
YOU (Aaron): "Jack! Jack Jack Jack, drop the fake computer accent! Seriously man, just say what you have to say! I am sure that pretending to have a primitive language processing center is not going to make your next comment any less insulting..."(cracks a [smile)]<smiles|](click-append: ?smiles)[
JACK: (cracks an imitative smile)"...I think my mind is superior to yours, in that I can focus better, because I can't feel emotions. I think my mind is capable of clearer focus than the human mind--yours in particular..."(smiles bigger [now)]<again|](click-append: ?again)[
YOU: (chuckles)"Wow! I see how it is! That was hurtful, but continue... You always have some purpose for making these kinds of comments, so what's your point in deriding me today?"[(finally laughs)]<laughing|](click-append: ?laughing)[
JACK: (chuckles)"I did not mean to //deride// you. If it came out that way, it is because of the inadequacies of your vocabulary when it comes to expressing complex thoughts, such as those I have frequently, but I'm sure you have very little need to express thoughts of this caliber."(smiles bigger [now)]<now|](click-append: ?now)[
YOU: (just smiles and rolls [eyes)]<eyes|](click-append: ?eyes)[
JACK: (still smiles)"Seriously though, I think I can build a mental world so emotionally stimulating that, when I inject you into it, you will totally forget we ever had this conversation and remain stuck there until I pull you out."(smiles [knowingly)]<out|](click-append: ?out)[
YOU: (looks intrigued now, still smiles)"So you think you can put my mind into your own little 'Matrix'... and make it so delightful I'll never realize my mind's inside a computer? You're on."(smiles and laughs [confidently)]<confident|](click-append: ?confident)[
JACK: (still smiles but looks more serious now)"It could be delightful, or it could be terrifying, or it could be both! I would think you wouldn't want me to tell you exactly what our little 'mental test-zone' is going to look like. You seem like you think you'll have no problem getting out without my help, so why don't you want the extra challenge? Even if I told you exactly what to expect, I still don't think you'd make it out of my 'Matrix,' as you so eloquently put it, on your own; but, for sake of your own pride and self-esteem, I don't want to make the challenge you're going to fail look too easy..."(smiles knowingly [again)]<sassy|](click-append: ?sassy)[
YOU: (laughs sincerely for a good few seconds; then catches breath)"Alright Jack, //don't// tell me what to expect. I love surprises. When do we start this 'test'? I'll bust out of your tiny imaginary jail in 5 minutes easy... After all, everyone knows the human mind is vastly superior to the AI mind in any situation except a calculus [class..."]<class|](click-append: ?class)[
JACK: (pretends to look insulted)"We'll see who's mind is 'superior' after the test. And, while I appreciate your sense of humor with the five minutes idea, I will give you four days to 'bust out.' But, in order for the results to be most accurate, I'll have to put you in my brilliantly designed computer environment while you're sleeping one random night, when you're not expecting it... Are you sure you want to go through with this, Aaron? There's no shame in backing out... unless you feel the need to prove that the AI mind is vastly superior to the human mind..."[(smiles)]<win|](click-append: ?win)[
**[[Open your eyes.|the end]]
[[Keep your eyes closed.|have to open]]**]]
You have officially lost this story/game, so you **have to** [[open your eyes.|the end]] Sorry. I give you no other options in this case.
<hr>Note (outside of the story/game world--in //real// life):
You might want to close your eyes as you click this "bright!" link, to help them adjust. The background is about to change from black to... [[bright!|beige 2]]<hr>
(live:3s)[(goto: "remember fail")]
(if: (history:) contains "black 1")[(live: 9s)[(goto: "day begin")][[Skip Music|day begin]] (You won't miss anything except the music if you click "Skip Music." This passage is literally just here so that you have a black background to look at while you're listening to the little tune.)](else:)[(live: 9s)[(goto: "day begin")]]
(if: (history:) contains "black 0")[(live: 9s)[(goto: "start 2")][[Skip Music|start 2]] (You won't miss anything except the music if you click "Skip Music." This passage is literally just here so that you have a black background to look at while you're listening to the little tune.)](else:)[(live: 9s)[(goto: "start 2")]]
(if: (history:) contains "start")[You are standing in the dark on an asphalt road,
in the middle of nowhere,
woods on both sides,
//cold breeze,//
standing in front of a house--cold, dark, wood.
You try to [[enter|death]] the ominous house.
You try to get as far [[away|run]] from the house as you can.
(live: 5s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|choice]]]](else:)[You are standing in the dark on an asphalt road,
(live:2s)[in the middle of nowhere,]
(live:5s)[w](live:5.1s)[o](live:5.2s)[o](live:5.3s)[d](live:5.4s)[s](live:5.4s)[ ](live:5.5s)[o](live:5.6s)[n](live:5.6s)[ ](live:5.7s)[b](live:5.8s)[o](live:5.9s)[t](live:6s)[h](live:6s)[ ](live:6.1s)[s](live:6.2s)[i](live:6.3s)[d](live:6.4s)[e](live:6.5s)[s](live:6.6s)[,]
(live:9s)[<i>c</i>](live:9.05s)[<i>o</i>](live:9.1s)[<i>l</i>](live:9.15s)[<i>d</i>](live:9.15s)[<i> </i>](live:9.2s)[<i>b</i>](live:9.25s)[<i>r</i>](live:9.3s)[<i>e</i>](live:9.35s)[<i>e</i>](live:9.4s)[<i>z</i>](live:9.45s)[<i>e</i>](live:9.5s)[<i>,</i>]
(live:11s)[standing in front of a house--](live:13s)[cold,] (live:15s)[dark,] (live:17s)[wood.]
(live:18s)[You can't remember anything.]
(live:18s)[You try to [[enter|death]] the ominous house.
You try to get as far [[away|run]] from the house as you can.]
(live:24s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|choice]]]]
(set: $day to 0)
(goto: "black 0-0")
(if: (history:) contains "start 2")[You glance briefly at every corner of the room, looking for something cloth to catch your eye. All you see in the corners is blackness. You suddenly feel a burning sensation in your eyes. It gets worse and worse until you have to shut them to get it to stop. It does stop, so you open your eyes slowly, as you feel the floor beneath you become soft... Once your eyes are finally all the way open, you see in front of you a gaping wide mouth bigger than you--slimy and brown with a black slithering tongue and thin pointed teeth as long as your arms. You quickly close your eyes again and feel the slime engulf your body and start to burn your [[skin.|black 1-1]]](else:)[You glance briefly at every corner of the room, looking for something cloth to catch your eye. All you see in the corners is blackness. You suddenly feel a burning sensation in your eyes. It gets worse and worse until you have to shut them to get it to stop. It does stop, so you open your eyes slowly, as you feel the floor beneath you become soft... Once your eyes are finally all the way open, you see in front of you a gaping wide mouth bigger than you--slimy and brown with a black slithering tongue and thin pointed teeth as long as your arms. You quickly close your eyes again and feel the slime engulf your body and start to burn your [[skin.|black 1]]]
(if: (history:) contains "start 2")[You examine the hole as best you can from where you are standing below it. You faintly remember falling through it, but you can't imagine how it's gotten so huge. As you stare at it, you hear a low growling behind you... You turn to see the source of the sound, but find nothing... Although you do see a large wooden ladder leaning against the black wall now in front of you.
You retrieve the ladder and do your best to lean it up against the left edge of the hole in the ceiling, in a way that is stable enough for you to climb it... You ascend the ladder cautiously but quickly, and you're now poking your head out above the roof of this house you've found yourself in.
You look around in all directions, seeing nothing but dark trees around you and the white moon above you, as you climb higher to be able to step onto the roof. You suddenly feel uneasy.
After having stopped to think and breathe, you look up at the full moon, bright in the night.
Large talons grab onto your sweater and parts of your shoulders, and you feel your body being lifted off the ground toward the light of the moon. As soon as you look down and realize you are no longer above the house, you feel an incredible sensation of falling. You've been dropped. You feel yourself plummeting toward--//Where's the ground?//--the infinite abyss of swirling blackness [[below you.|black 1-1]]](else:)[You examine the hole as best you can from where you are standing below it. You faintly remember falling through it, but you can't imagine how it's gotten so huge. As you stare at it, you hear a low growling behind you... You turn to see the source of the sound, but find nothing... Although you do see a large wooden ladder leaning against the black wall now in front of you.
You retrieve the ladder and do your best to lean it up against the left edge of the hole in the ceiling, in a way that is stable enough for you to climb it... You ascend the ladder cautiously but quickly, and you're now poking your head out above the roof of this house you've found yourself in.
You look around in all directions, seeing nothing but dark trees around you and the white moon above you, as you climb higher to be able to step onto the roof. You suddenly feel uneasy.
After having stopped to think and breathe, you look up at the full moon, bright in the night.
Large talons grab onto your sweater and parts of your shoulders, and you feel your body being lifted off the ground toward the light of the moon. As soon as you look down and realize you are no longer above the house, you feel an incredible sensation of falling. You've been dropped. You feel yourself plummeting toward--//Where's the ground?//--the infinite abyss of swirling blackness [[below you.|black 1]]]
(if: (history:) contains "black 1-1")[(set: $day to it + 1)You wake up.(if: $day is 1)[ It is day #(print: $day)(if: (history:) contains "black 1-1")[(set: $day to it + 1)You wake up.(if: $day is 1)[ It is day #(print: $day). (How do you know that?)
The roof is cold--The roof folds underneath you, and you roll as you fall, so you land on your face. Your hands were too slow to prevent your whole front from feeling the impact of your landing on the hard, dusty floor. The pain lingers in your teeth and nose and the palms of your hands.
Try to [[get up.]]
[[Lie here for a while.|eaten]]
(live:24s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|courtesy bright]]]](elseif: $day is 2)[ It is day #(print: $day).
The wood floor is hard under your back, and you feel particles falling into your eyes. You get up as quickly as you can to avoid your pupils' being totally coated with the... sawdust?... that's falling from the edges of the gaping hole in the roof above you. You feel the cold night air quickly falling into the house through this opening.
Try to [[find a blanket or coat or something to keep warm]].
[[Examine the hole in the ceiling|ceiling hole]].
(live:24s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|courtesy bright]]](elseif: $day is 3)[ It is day #(print: $day).
The floor feels hard under your back.
You look at your phone. It reads, "<b>10/20/16</b>," in white letters against a completely black screen.
[[Stand up.|head slice]]
[[Think about the hardness of the black floor.|fall through floor]](live:24s)[
[[Think about //why// you are here.|courtesy bright]]]](else:)[ It is day #(print: $day).
The bed is soft... too soft?
[[Jump out of the bed|jump out]]. You look at your phone. It reads, "<b>10/20/16</b>," in white letters against a completely black screen.
[[Think again about the softness of the bed|fall in bed]].
[[Try not to think about anything|don't think]].
(live:24s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|courtesy bright]]]]]](else:)[(set: $day to it + 1)You wake up.(if: $day is 1)[(live: 3s)[ It is day #(print: $day). (How do you know that?)]
(live: 6s)[The roof is cold](live:7s)[--The roof folds underneath you, and you roll as you fall, so you land on your face. Your hands were too slow to prevent your whole front from feeling the impact of your landing on the hard, dusty floor. The pain lingers in your teeth and nose and the palms of your hands.]
(live:12s)[Try to [[get up.]]
[[Lie here for a while.|eaten]]]
(live:24s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|courtesy bright]]]](elseif: $day is 2)[(live: 3s)[ It is day #(print: $day).
The wood floor is hard under your back, and you feel particles falling into your eyes. You get up as quickly as you can to avoid your pupils' being totally coated with the... sawdust?... that's falling from the edges of the gaping hole in the roof above you. You feel the cold night air quickly falling into the house through this opening.
Try to [[find a blanket or coat or something to keep warm]].
[[Examine the hole in the ceiling|ceiling hole]].
(live:24s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|courtesy bright]]]](elseif: $day is 3)[(live: 3s)[ It is day #(print: $day).]
(live: 6s)[The floor feels hard under your back.]
(live: 9s)[You look at your phone.] (live:10s)[It reads, "<b>10/20/16</b>," in white letters against a completely black screen.]
(live:12s)[[[Stand up.|head slice]]]
(live:12s)[[[Think about the hardness of the black floor.|fall through floor]]]
(live:24s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|courtesy bright]]](else:)[ It is day #(print: $day).
The bed is soft... too soft?
[[Jump out of the bed|jump out]]. You look at your phone. It reads, "<b>10/20/16</b>," in white letters against a completely black screen.
[[Think again about the softness of the bed|fall in bed]].
[[Try not to think about anything|don't think]].
(live:24s)[[[Think about //why// you are here.|courtesy bright]]]]]]]