It is day #(print: $day).
You look at your phone. It says, 10/20/16.
[[day 2]]
It is day #(print: $day).
It is 10/12/16.
[[day 3]]
It is day #(print: $day).
It is 10/12/16.
(if: $day <= 3)[Return to [[day 1]].]
(else:)[It is [[the end]].]
(set: $day to 1)
(goto: "start")
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You are standing in front of the house. It (the house... not to mention the night) is cold and dark.
Do you try to [[enter|day 1]] or get as far [[away|run]] from the house as you can?
You run as fast as you can down the street. You turn left. There is the weeping house!